The Power of A Morning Routine.

Your eyes open and your realize it is a new day. What is the first thing you think about or do? Of course there are endless amount of answers to this question, but it is very common that most people will immediately go through their to-do list or rush out of bed and become immediately bogged down by the day even though they have not been awake for even 30 minutes! Is this you? If the answer is yes then please continue reading, and if the answer is no then you should still proceed and possibly pick up some helpful tips to add to your existing morning routine.

A morning routine should be the process of easing yourself into a new day, so you can approach the day in a calm state. The first thing I love doing in the morning is 1. Acknowledging that a new day has arrived and you are awake inside your body, again. Being conscious of this wake state can already set you up for success. The second thing that is a must is 2. Drinking a large cup of room-temperature water, preferably with lemon or key lime. During the night your body goes through a deep detoxification process, and regardless of the amount of water you drink the day before you have to immediately hydrate your body upon waking up. The next step would be to 3. Move your body. This can be a quick 15-minute stretch, but if you have the time, a 30-minute yoga flow would be ideal to really get into all the nooks and crannies of your body. And this can be followed by 4. A meditation practice, which can be as short as 15-minutes. The stretch or yoga flow coupled with working on quieting your mind can truly be like a daily morning retreat you take yourself to, and can help you tackle anything that might arise during the day with grace. The next step is a bonus, but if you have the time (and also a bath tub) it would be 4. A morning soak. Soaking your body in some nourishing bath salts while listening to calm music or a podcast is a game changer! Just 20-minutes in the bath tub each morning could really have you levitating throughout the day. The final step before you even start to think about “what you need to do” is to sit down for a hot cup of tea and enjoy some fresh fruit or any nutritional breakfast of your choice. Are you wondering why this is the last step? Being fasted (not having food in the body) for all the previous steps helps your mind remain clear and not distracted by digesting food.

This is also a great routine to follow while traveling. I have been moving around a lot this year and this morning routine, minus the bath soaks, has been a must-do before I tackle my day. So there you have it a step-by-step morning routine that you can follow each day. You might be thinking I do not have the time. The duration of this routine, minus the bath soaks, is an hour or less and you can try to take as many of the steps as you can handle and then before you know it you have a full-blown morning routine, and your life will never be the same! Invest in yourself. Change your life. That is all.

With Love

Zen ❤


Eating Vegan in Bali, Indonesia